Weekly Update: June 24



With the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade overturned as we write this post, we wanted to provide a state by state breakdown of where abortion laws currently stand. We know that this is an important consideration for some parents and students when it comes time to think about possible college locations. If this matters to you and your student, make sure to do a search before finalizing their college list.


Dartmouth College is the latest institution to eliminate loans from student aid packages. Beginning yesterday, the college has replaced loans in student aid packages with grants, and already students enrolled in the Summer 2022 term are benefiting from this change (P.S. This is many more students than you might think - Dartmouth’s D-Plan requires EVERY student to complete at least one summer term on campus). 

Dartmouth already had loan-free packages for students with a household income below $125,000, but the change will now apply to all students, including those with higher household incomes. This change is supported by donations from 65 Dartmouth donors, totalling about $80 million. 

The campaign will also allow Dartmouth to offer need-blind admissions to international students, and raise the income threshold for full scholarship recipients to $125,000. 


Speaking of student loans, the government will cancel $6 billion in loans for students who were “defrauded” by (mostly for-profit) colleges. The settlement will benefit about 200,000 students, many of whom applied for relief from colleges that are now out of business, as well as operating for-profit institutions like the University of Phoenix and DeVry University. 


The University of Maryland system has gone test optional. But before you get too excited, the Board of Regents is not requiring specific schools within the system to disregard SAT and ACT scores. Instead, each school (College Park, Baltimore County, etc.) will get to make their own decision when it comes to considering test scores. At present, the University of Maryland - College Park will be test optional until 2027, while the University of Maryland - Baltimore County president said that he believes standardized testing is an important process for students to complete. 


Georgetown announced this week that a community member assumed to have monkeypox is currently isolating in off-campus housing. Students and staff who have been in contact with the individual have been notified and are being monitored. This comes on the heels of the first reported case of monkeypox in the DC area, which appeared last week in Maryland.


Looking for a side hustle to earn some extra income this summer? It’s not too late to find a job or freelance position! Check out this article for some ideas to get started. Some students feel that if they don’t have an impressive internship, they’re disadvantaged in the college process, but colleges really love work experience and we’ve read some wonderful and heartwarming essays that students have written about cleaning the pool as a lifeguard or chopping lemons as a restaurant hostess. 

A student at Bowling Green State University died from alcohol poisoning after a hazing incident, and his parents are now speaking out. Shari and Cory Foltz are filing a lawsuit against Bowling Green for the preventable death of their son, Stone Foltz. The parents allege that the school encourages students like Stone to join fraternities, while turning a blind eye to hazing. 

Here in Virginia, we’ve heard a lot about admissions at TJ, and we aren’t the only state with a highly desirable public school facing changes in its admissions process. This podcast dives into the trend at schools like TJ and Boston Latin, and provides an in-depth exploration of the admissions changes at Lowell, an elite public high school in the Bay Area.


Essay work is ramping up as some of our students start on their school-specific supplemental essays for UVA, Virginia Tech, the UCs, and other schools that have already released their essay prompts. We’re very excited to welcome back McClain and to welcome our newest essay coach, Stephanie, who will be starting with us in July (keep an eye out for a longer introduction soon!). Our schedules are now posted throughout the summer, and we encourage our current clients to book meetings ASAP to ensure they get their preferred times to complete their essay work this summer. 

Have a great weekend!

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