Weekly Update: June 12!

Happy first day of summer, Fairfax County! And we are at Phase 2 of reopening - be safe this weekend, everyone.


More testing news! A whole lot of kids found out yesterday that their previously-confirmed June 13 testing administrations would be canceled after all - with less than 48 hours notice. Ughh! It is always something.

Schools continue to shift to test-optional, including Yale, which actually announced the policy while I was writing this post; Johns Hopkins; the University of Washington; and here’s the CRAZY unexpected one- CalTech went TEST BLIND! Definitely did not see that coming. Again, check out my post from April about the difference between test-optional and test blind. This happened on Monday, and I was waiting all week long to see if any other schools would follow. So far, not yet. CalTech is by far the most selective school to go this route.

The colleges are all continuing to release plans for the fall: some students at Duke will be living in hotels (which, to be honest, does not sound so terrible!) and Harvard’s Dean of Undergraduate Education has informed faculty that most fall instruction will take place online.

Purdue made headlines this week because of their fundraising effort to pay for PPE - this has not gone over particularly well from a PR perspective (to put it mildly) but they’ve raised over $112,000 so far! The reason this has gotten so much backlash is that the president, Mitch Daniels, has been one of the most outspoken proponents of reopening colleges and universities this coming fall.

At a reception at Purdue this past fall inside the stadium. That was definitely one of my most fun college visits!

At a reception at Purdue this past fall inside the stadium. That was definitely one of my most fun college visits!

On a more serious note and one that has not actually been covered much yet in the mainstream media, Betsy DeVos issued an emergency rule yesterday that banned colleges and universities from extending CARES Act relief funding to non-citizens, to include students who are DACA, Temporary Protected Status, and asylum recipients. To give you an idea of what a big deal this is, half of the state of California’s 2+ million student community college system is estimated to be impacted.

Now for some GOOD NEWS (it’s about time, right?!) Common App released their list of new members and there are some really great additions for kids hoping to head south. We already knew about UGA, but I had not known about the additions of Auburn and CLEMSON!! So excited about Clemson in particular because I have a ton of kids apply there each year. If JMU would just join this list, it would make me so happy. Please? (I have given up on VT and the University of Texas system!).

If you missed my video on Facebook, UVA released their 2020-2021 supplemental essay topics on Monday. The engineering essay is completely different from the prompt of years past, and some of the others have slight modifications. The last “choice” prompt is brand new - I said this on my video, but I’d be careful about what you write here. Don’t pick something too common. Protesting Black Lives Matter is beyond admirable but there are so many kids who will write about that for this essay. If you did something to contribute in a larger way like Avi Schiffmann - by all means, WRITE ABOUT IT! But I would not write about marching down Maple or you’ll blend in with all of the other kids in Fairfax County, as awesome as that was.

This is not really college-related, but I also put a lot of information about Gov. Northam’s return-to-school plan on facebook. You can find the entire 126-page document here. We are supposed to learn more next week about how FCPS will implement these guidelines.


I enjoyed “March 10: The anatomy of a day” article from Duke’s campus newspaper - it was interesting (and sad) to read about the different perspectives and the ways that different lives in the Duke community were impacted.

Inside Higher Ed’s piece on how private colleges “report vastly different circumstances” is definitely worth a read. Some of this was not surprising - if you’ve ever been to Bucknell or Kenyon, you will understand exactly why they are highly sought-after options this year. They are in the middle of nowhere, literally!

I took this picture about 18 months ago just before driving onto the Kenyon campus - check out the cows!

I took this picture about 18 months ago just before driving onto the Kenyon campus - check out the cows!

I did find the part about NYU surprising, but it will be interesting to see how many students pull out down the line, particularly because NYU was one of the most inflexible schools I dealt with this past spring when it came to deposit extensions. This makes me wonder how many kids just went ahead and double deposited to keep their options open? Time will tell!

In “Rich Colleges Can Afford to Spend More,” Paul Campos asserts that colleges with large endowments should start spending them to be able to avoid budget cuts. I’m not an economist, but at the same time, I don’t feel like it’s quite that simple…

This New York Times article is definitely worth reading for any athletic recruits, and discusses how the process has become very tricky this year given that coaches can’t see prospective student-athletes play in person. The girl they mentioned who is emailing five coaches per day is SMART! That’s exactly what she should be doing. This is definitely an issue right now, and that’s why we made sure to include resources for prospective student-athletes in our membership vault, from a player profile/athletic resume template to guidance for sample emails to coaches.


I try to make our office run as efficiently as possible and am a big fan of automating whatever we can. This cuts down on back-end administrative tasks that aren’t client-facing and gives us more time to spend providing great service to our clients! With so many essays and application edits coming in at this time of year, I decided that there had to be a better way.

Several hours later, I came up with the following online submission forms:

Wow Editing Submissions - this is ONLY for edits related to Wow Writing Workshop

Editing Submissions - this is for everything else - supplemental essays, cover letters, resumes, applications, you name it!

We started using these with a few kids this week and will continue to roll it out slowly with all of our students over the next two weeks. From now on, instead of emailing to indicate that something is ready for review, all students will fill out one of the above two forms every time they have something ready. They will also fill out the second form at the end of each essay coaching meeting so that their progress from the meeting will continue to have the second level of review.

I have a lot of fancy automations and rules set up on the back end in our project management system, so these will route directly to my to-do list and will even end up in the right category, depending on the type of edits needed. I’m really excited about it and I definitely think it will also cut down on the amount of lead time I’ll need to edit an essay!