Ashley - The Independent Thinker

Ashley is smart, but not motivated. She performs well in classes that interest her, but has trouble putting in the effort if she doesn’t enjoy the subject or project.

How We Help:

We get it! There are so many smart kids we work with who simply aren’t motivated students. Our project management support means that we will provide reminders and follow-up to make sure that Ashley is completing her applications not only on time, but early! 

Most importantly, we’ll work with her to discover what really matters to her in the college search (even if she’s not aware of it herself yet!), so we can help her find that intrinsic motivation.

Suggested Package:

Ashley needs a lot of reminders and may occasionally have trouble getting all of her homework done on time, but she’s applying to schools that don’t have as many essays. The two balance each other out from a time standpoint, so we recommend the Custom package. 

If she really wants to dig in and work on strategies for motivation when it comes to her grades and schoolwork, we’d also recommend an Academic Coaching package!