Kaitlyn - The Early Bird

Kaitlyn is an eighth grader and while her parents don’t want her to feel stressed or overwhelmed by the college process just yet, they do want to make sure she is maximizing her time in high school to set her up for success later on!

How We Help:

We’ll help Kaitlyn set up a four year plan to make the most of her high school experience. We’ll make sure she’s on the right track with her course load so she can apply for the engineering degree she’s interested in later on, and help her prioritize her classes so she doesn’t get overwhelmed. We’ll also talk with her parents about whether a public or private high school is the right fit for her!

But beyond the classroom, we’ll help Kaitlyn identify her strengths and explore extracurricular activities that she loves. This is our favorite part of working with younger students - sure, it makes their college application stronger, but finding something they are passionate about also leads to happier, calmer, and more focused students!

Suggested Package:

For a younger student like Kaitlyn, the best choice is to book several strategy sessions throughout ninth and tenth grade, before we start the active part of the college application process.

This year, Kaitlyn will book three sessions - one in the fall to choose her courses for next semester and plan out her curriculum, one in the winter to help strategize around summer internships, and one in the spring to discuss her freshman year grades and begin to think about her standardized testing plan.

If Kaitlyn wants more support, she can also book a few pay-as-you-go essay coaching sessions to help polish up those summer internship applications!