Peter - The Underdog

Peter has ADHD and struggles with some executive functioning skills. He does well in some classes, but he struggles in others, and is worried about how he will manage the extensive college process on top of his school work. 

Unfortunately, Peter’s school counselor has a caseload of 250 students, and doesn’t have time to give Peter the support he needs.

How We Help:

We can help Peter through every part of the process. From identifying schools with strong executive functioning support, to breaking down the process into manageable steps, to sending text, email, and voice message reminders, we’ll be with him every step of the way. 

Peter’s parents will get to enjoy his last few years living at home without feeling like they’ve taken on the full-time job of managing his application process.

Suggested Package:

For students with learning differences, our Comprehensive package will allow them to complete nearly all of their work alongside our coaches and counselors, freeing up time and decreasing stress at home.